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    【发布日期】:2019-01-18  【来源】:菌物学报
    【作者】ITURRIAGA Teresa MARDonES Melissa
    【机构】Laboratorio de Micología,Departamento de Biología de Organismos,Universidad Simón Bolívar
    【摘要】从El Avila国家公园热带云雾森林中发现了绿散胞盘菌属的一个新种。它以其小型的子囊和子囊孢子、椭圆-S型-棒状的子囊孢子以及覆盖于外囊盘被菌丝表面的绿褐色胶化层为显著特征,并与该属已知种相区别。 
    【基金】FONACIT,(Fondo Nacional de Ciencia, Innovacion y Tecnología) Caracas-Venezuela for funding the project No S1-2001000663:“Sistemática Molecular y Morfológica de Hongos Ascomycetes y Basidiomycetes presentes en las Sucesiones Fúngicas Descomponedoras de Madera en Bosques Tropicales” under the direction of TI which permitted research in a forest located in Luepa, Parque Nacional Canaima; the pursual of several of the projects being undertaken in the Mycology Lab at Simón Bolívar University (USB) during that same period; the Decanato de Estudios de Postgrado of USB for financial support; the support of INPARQUES in giving permits to collect at El Avila National Park,for facilities during field work,and to Jesús Hernández and Carlos Rondón for field assistance; the Department of Organisms Biology and the Decanato de Investigacion y Desarrollo of Simón Bolívar University; the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología from Costa Rica for financial support during her Master Degree in Venezuela;
    【关键词】盘菌; 新热带区; 分类;
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