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    贵州大学生物技术学院真菌资源研究室 贵阳550025

    【中文摘要】 从野外采集的鲜蛹虫草标本上分离到一假定无性型菌株LFRGU 88- 82 1L ,经人工培养获得了与天然蛹虫草特征相同的成熟子实体 ,从而确证了LFRGU 88- 82 1L是蛹虫草真正的无性型。基于形态学特征的鉴定表明 ,此无性型是拟青霉属中的一个新种———蛹草拟青霉 (Pae cilomycesmilitarisLiangsp .nov .)。本文简述了蛹虫草无性型地位研究的历史 ,讨论了作者确定其当前分类地位的合理性。研究标本 (LFRGU)保存于贵州大学真菌资源研究室

    【英文摘要】 A hypothetic anamorph strain LFRGU 88-821L was isolated from fresh specimen of Cordyceps militaris in nature. And mature fruitbodies with the same features of wild C. militaris were acquired on an artificial medium, so LFRGU 88 821L was corroborated to be the genuine anarmorph of C. militaris. Based on the morphological characteristics, this anamorph was identified as a new species in the genus Paecilomyces, and nominated as Paecilomyces militaris Liang sp.nov. The research history of C. militaris anamorph status and its reasonable status in current classified system were described and discussed respectively in this paper. And the specimen (LFRGU) examined is deposited in the Laboratory of Fungus Resources, Guizhou University.

    【中文关键词】 蛹虫草; 蛹草拟青霉; 无性型; 子实体人工培养
    【英文关键词】 Cordyceps militaris; Paecilomyces militaris Liang sp.nov.; Anamorph; Artificial culture of fruitbody
    【基金】国家自然科学基金资助项目 (No .3 98994 0 0 )

    【文献出处】 食用菌学报,Acta Edulis Fungi,编辑部邮箱,2001年04期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:SYJB.0.2001-04-006

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