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    【作者】 杨慧; 尚晓冬; 王瑞霞; 谭琦; 章卢军;

    【Author】 YANG Hui,SHANG Xiaodong,WANG Ruixia,TAN Qi,ZHANG Lunjun National Research Center for Edible Fungi Biotechnology and Engineering;Key Laboratory of Applied MycologicalResources and Utilization,Ministry of Agriculture,China;Key Laboratory of Agricultural Genetics and Breedingof Shanghai;Institute of Edible Fungi,Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Shanghai 201106,China

    【机构】 国家食用菌工程技术研究中心农业部应用真菌资源与利用重点开放实验室上海市农业遗传育种重点开放实验室上海市农业科学院食用菌研究所;

    【摘要】 测定蒸馏水、液氮长期保藏的金针菇(Flammulina velutipes)0188W、0188N菌株的生物学特性和产量,结果表明:两者相比,菌丝生长速度、生长势、纤维素酶活力差异不显著,而前者的菌丝满瓶时间和产量极显著高于后者,说明蒸馏水可用于金针菇的长期保藏。

    【Abstract】 Flammulina velutipes,strain 0188,was maintained in distilled water or liquid nitrogen for a 12-year period.The average mycelial growth rate,growth vigor and cellulase activity of the strain were not significantly different at the 0.05 level irrespective of the adopted preservation method but the time required to fully colonize an artificial cultivation substrate and the average fruit body yield were significantly different at the 0.01 level.We conclude that storage in distilled water is a suitab...

    【关键词】 金针菇; 蒸馏水; 菌种保藏;

    【Key words】 Flammulina velutipes; distilled water; preservation;

    【基金】 国家食用菌产业技术体系的部分研究内容


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