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    【作者】周建林; 何伯伟; 黄良水; 杨明华; 毛小伟

    【Author】ZHOU Jian-lin1; HE Bo-wei2; HUANG Liang-shui3; YANG Ming-hua1; MAO Xiao-wei1(1.Jiangshan Institute of Agricultural Science; Jiangshan Zhejiang 324104; 2.Crops Management Bureau of Zhejiang Province Agriculture Department; Hangzhou Zhejiang 310020; 3.Changshan Tianle Edible Fungi Research Institute; Changshan Zhejiang 324200)

    【作者机构】浙江省江山市农科所; 浙江省农业厅农作物管理局; 浙江省常山县天乐食用菌研究所

    【摘要】 以江山白菇(F21)为育种亲本材料,经系统选育,育成高产、优质、抗逆性强的白色金针菇新品种—江山白菇(F21-2),菌丝生长温度3℃~33℃,原基分化温度4℃~24℃,子实体正常生长温度5℃~22℃,比同类品种高2℃。新菌株平均单产0.51 kg.袋-1,生物学效率136%,种性稳定,现已成为浙江省金针菇常规栽培的当家品种。

    【Abstract】 Jiangshan white Flammulina velutipes(F21-2),with Jiangshan white Flammulina velutipes(F21) as its breeding parent materials and through systematic selection,was a new variety of white Flammulina velutipes,which was characterized by high-yield,high quality and great stress resistance.The mycelial growth temperature was 3℃~33℃,the primordium temperature was 4℃~24℃ and the normal growth temperature of the fruiting bodies was 5℃~22℃,higher than the other products of the same variety by 2℃.The average yield of the new strains was 0.51 kg.bag-1 and the biological efficiency was 136%.This variety is stable and had become the master of Zhejiang Flammulina velutipes conventional cultivation.

    【关键词】 江山白菇(F21-2); 选育; 应用

    【Key words】 Jiangshan white Flammulina velutipes(F21-2); Breeding; Application


    【文献出处】 中国食用菌,Edible Fungi of China,编辑部邮箱,2010年03期



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