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    杜爱玲; 侯军; 王林生; 吴祖峰
    河南科技大学; 河南科技大学; 河南科技大学; 河南科技大学 河南洛阳471003 ; 河南洛阳471003 ; 河南洛阳471003 ; 河南洛阳471003

    【中文摘要】 在甘薯渣中添加不同比例的棉籽壳和玉米芯进行糙皮侧耳(Pleurotusostreatus)、金针菇(Flammulinnavelutipes)、鸡腿蘑(Coprinuscomatus)栽培试验和糙皮侧耳制种试验。结果表明,在纯甘薯渣培养料上菌丝生长速度快,生长势强,菌丝满袋时间与对照相比缩短8~12d,且现蕾早,出菇快,但产量较低,生物学效率比棉籽壳和玉米芯常规培养料(对照)减少35%以上。但甘薯渣培养料可作为糙皮侧耳栽培种的制种材料。

    【英文摘要】 The effect of Ipomoea batatas residue compost added with different proportions of cotton seed hull and corn cob compost on Pleurotus ostreatus,Flammulina veluties and Coprinus comatus cultivation and Pleurotus ostreatus spawn production was studied. It was proved in our expriment that the mycelium growth rate was higher, the growth vigor was stronger,the full spawnrun times were 8~12d shorter and the primordial formation was earlier on Ipomoea batatas residue compost, but the yield was lower and the biological efficiency was reduced by more than 35% than that of the conventional cotton seed hull and corn cob composts (CK). And it was also demonstrated in our experiment that Ipomoea batatas residue could be used as a kind of reasonable substitute material for spawn production.

    【中文关键词】 甘薯渣; 糙皮侧耳; 金针菇; 鸡腿蘑
    【英文关键词】 Ipomoea batatas residue; Pleurotus ostreatus; Flammulina velutipes; Coprinus comatus

    【文献出处】 食用菌学报,Acta Edulis Fungi,编辑部邮箱,2003年03期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:SYJB.0.2003-03-008

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