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    食用菌 | 野生有柄灵芝生物学特性及驯化栽培

    【发布日期】:2023-12-07  【来源】:菌物学报
    【核心提示】:食用菌 | 野生有柄灵芝生物学特性及驯化栽培

    Doi: 10.13346/j.mycosystema.230059


    Biological characteristics and domestic cultivation of wild Ganoderma gibbosum


    为了充分开发利用灵芝资源,本研究对采自西藏墨脱县的一份野生灵芝子实体标本进行了分离纯化培养,并通过形态学观察和分子生物学分析鉴定为有柄灵芝Ganoderma gibbosum。将此菌株作为试验菌株,从碳源、氮源、温度、pH这4个因素进行生物学特性研究,从中选择3个较优水平进行正交试验。结果表明,有柄灵芝菌丝生长的最佳碳源为果糖,氮源为酵母,最适温度为25 ℃,适宜pH为7.0。驯化出芝栽培基质配方选用杂木屑58%、玉米芯20%、麦麸20%、石灰1%、石膏1%,40 d左右菌丝满袋,覆土一周后出现原基,50 d左右子实体成熟。初步成分分析表明,有柄灵芝粗多糖、氨基酸含量分别为1.5%和10.8%。本试验成功对野生有柄灵芝进行了人工驯化栽培,为有柄灵芝作为新的药用菌进行开发利用提供了参考。

    A wild strain of Ganoderma from Medog, Xizang, was identified as Ganoderma gibbosum, based on morphological observation and molecular biological analysis. Its biological characteristics and domestic cultivation were studied. Single-factor tests were conducted for optimizing carbon and nitrogen sources, temperature and pH under solid cultivation conditions. Orthogonal experiment of three optimal levels selected from the four single-factor tests showed that the optimal carbon source and nitrogen source for mycelial growth of G. gibbosum were fructose and yeast, respectively. The optimum temperature was 25 ℃, and the suitable pH was 7.0. The fruiting bodies of G. gibbosum could be formed on the substrate formulated by 58% angiosperm wood chips, 20% corncob, 20% bran, 1% lime, and 1% gypsum. The hyphae fully colonized the substrate after cultivation for 40 days. The primordium began to form in one week after casing, and the fruiting body matured in about 50 days. Preliminary analysis of functional components indicated that polysaccharide and amino acid contents of G. gibbosum were 1.5% and 10.8%, respectively. G. gibbosum might have a new potential medicinal value in future applications.



    陈爽,刘淑娟,高悦,宋子坤,马海霞,2023. 野生有柄灵芝生物学特性及驯化栽培. 菌物学报,42(11): 2218-2230

    Chen S, Liu SJ, Gao Y, Song ZK, Ma HX, 2023. Biological characteristics and domestic cultivation of wild Ganoderma gibbosum. Mycosystema, 42(11): 2218-2230

    图1  不同单因子条件对有柄灵芝菌丝生长速度的影响    A:碳源. B:氮源. C:pH. D:温度

    Fig. 1  The effects of different single factor on the mycelial growth of Ganoderma gibbosum. A: Carbon source. B: Nitrogen source. C: pH. D: Temperature.

    图2  不同条件对有柄灵芝菌丝生长的影响

    Fig. 2  The effects of different conditions on the mycelial growth of Ganoderma gibbosum.

    图3  有柄灵芝野生子实体(A)和驯化子实体(B)

    Fig. 3  Basidiomata of wild Ganoderma gibbosum (A) and cultivated basidiomata (B).

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